Most parents are products of the conventional educational system
Most parents are products of the conventional educational system and, therefore, have little basis to consider any alternative regime. On a certain level, they may intuit that the existing system is much less than ideal, but in general, they believe that it is the only practical option. You should consider that a significant proportion of parents have some good reason to believe that the existing system is substantially a waste of time, money and effort, or that they are acting irrationally when they do not actively participate in the education of their children or generously support their funding.
As a general principle, one should not affirm the irrationality of millions of supposedly intelligent human beings without considering any other explanation for their behavior. Intellectual enrichment is undoubtedly a virtue, but it should be considered secondary to security and survival. The author did not state that the only purpose of education is job training. I must admit that I do not know what a "worldly person" is.
I did not say that you would not learn anything or get a job, what I said is that your chances of moving forward are basically zero after you find your first low-level technology job. And why should they promote you? All you will learn is basic electronic trash that you might have picked up at a C.C. for approximately 1/10 of the price of registration. From there, a university would have accepted your C.C. credits: good luck when transferring your ITT credits. So enjoy paying in excess for an education in which everyone will laugh at you later, and that's from the experience first-hand.
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